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Pastor:     Rev. Dr. Asayo Okumura Thomas


I am so blessed to serve and lead the reformed church of Cortlandtown! 

Each of the congregants is a special gift from God to keep transforming into the fullness of the love of the Trinity in their own unique ways within the body of Christ. If you are looking for the church to be healed and rejoice, this is the place for you. We call the church a “harbor of peace” where you may be healed and grow into His likeness with love and grace.

We look forward to walking with you through the Holy Spirit toward the direction whichever our Lord, Jesus, wants us to be. 


Rev. Dr. Asayo Okumura Thomas is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ of the 

Metropolitan Association, New York Conference. She is a Doctoral Minister graduate of New 

York Theological Seminary. Her doctoral research project was "The Sea of Silence: Ceaseless 

Renewal of the Mind and Heart in Unification of the Trinity through Mindful Meditation." Her ministry focuses on healing and renewing. 

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"Real generosity toward the future, lies in giving all to the present" - Albert Camus. Help preserve the heritage of the past and the promise of the future by donating to the Reformed Church of Cortlandtown. Your gift can can be added to our general fund, or you can designate a specific program that you would like to support. Read More

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