Can't make it to church? No problem! Give your weekly offering through this site. Have a little extra to give? Great! Use Paypal to make your contribution. We are grateful for all offerings!
Help preserve the heritage of the past and the promise of the future by donating to the Reformed Church of Cortlandtown. Your gift can can be added to our general fund, or you can designate a specific program that you would like to support.
The endowment fund's primary purpose is to provide permanent financial support to our church to fund new and expanding ministries. It also serves as a living memorial to the members and friends of the church. An endowment fund is a permanent fund created by transfer of money or other assets to a trust which are primarily invested into low risk fixed income or equity funds.
The fund generates income and provides a long-lasting source of income for the church to grow and strengthen our ministries. This includes the support of the ministries of the local church, the Reformed Church in Amercia (, nationally or internationally, and any other Christian ministry or mission deemed appropriate by the Endowment Committee.
It can also be used as direct by the donor for a specific cause. The endowment fund is not intended to be used to provide for general operating expenses of the church. Endowment Funds may accept both cash and non-cash gifts and bequests. The fund can be received during one’s life time or as a donation upon their passing. Investments into the fund are generally non taxable funds since the funding comes from legacies and gifts to our church (a non-profit organization).
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