Sat 3/1 11:00 am Mustard Seed Grand Reopening
Sun 3/2 10:00 am Communion Sunday Worship Service
Celebration of the Confirmation of Fafa Tsedze
11:00 am Fellowship downstairs after service
11:30 am Blessing of the Mustard Seed
Wed 3/5 10:00 am Qigong exercise
10:30 am Bible Study
7:00 pm Ash Wednesday service
Sat 3/8 9:00 am Mustard Seed Open 9am-1pm
Sun 3/9 2:00 am Daylight Savings Time
- Clocks Forward 1 Hour -
10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (First Sound of Lent)
11:00 am Fellowship downstairs after service
Tue 3/11 5:00 pm Consistory Meeting
Wed 3/12 9:00 am Mustard Seed Open 9am-1pm
10:00 am Bible Study
12:00 pm Women's Guild BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON
6:00 pm. Lenten Soup Bread Fellowship
Thu 3/13 6:00 pm Fundraising Committee Meeting
Sat 3/15 9:00 am Mustard Seed Open 9am-1pm
Sun 3/16 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (2nd Sunday of Lent)
11:00 am Fellowship downstairs after service
Tue. 3/18 Classis Meeting
Wed 3/19 9:00 sm. Mustard Seed Open 9am-1pm
10:00 am Qigong exercise
10:30 am Bible Study
6:00 pm. Lenten Soup Bread Fellowship
Sat 3/22 9:00 am Mustard Seed Open 9am-1pm
Sun 3/23 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service (Third Sunday of Lent)
11:00 am Fellowship downstairs after service
Mon 3/24. 6:00 pm Grief Group Reading, Reflecting and Acting on the book:
"Wild Edge of Sorrow"
Tues 3/25 5:00 pm Cemetery Committee Meeting
Wed 3/26 9:00 sm. Mustard Seed Open 9am-1pm
10:00 am Qigong exercise
10:30 am Bible Study
6:00 pm. Lenten Soup Bread Fellowship
Transpersonal Meditation Flyer
Grief Group Series Flyer