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What's Going On:


Sun 12/1       10:00 am      1st Sunday of Advent Worship Service 

                     11:00 am      Confirmation Class 

                     11:00 am      Fellowship downstairs after service 


Wed 12/4      10:00 am      Qigong exercise 

                     10:30 am      Bible Study 

                     2:00 pm        Decorating the Sanctuary 

                                          Worship Committee Meeting 


Sat 12/7        10:00 am      Holiday Craft & Vendor Fair (10-3) 


Sun 12/8       10:00 am      2nd Sunday of Advent Worship Service 

                                          Congregation Tree Decorating 

                                          Last Day to RSVP for Women’s Guild Christmas Party 


Wed 12/11    12:00 pm      Women’s Guild Christmas Party 

                                          Optional $10.00 Grab Bag Gift 


Sun 12/15     10:00 am      Christmas Pageant 

                                          3rd Sunday of Advent Worship Service 


Mon 12/16   2:00 pm        Grief Group 


Wed 12/18    10:00 am      Qigong exercise

                     10:30 am      Bible Study 


Sun 12/22     10:00 am      4th Sunday of Advent Worship Service 


Tues 12/24   7:00 pm        Lessons & Carols 

                                          Christmas Eve Candlelight Service


Transpersonal Meditation Flyer

Grief Group Series Flyer



© 2012 REFORMED CHURCH OF CORTLANDTOWN (914) 737-6482 • 2124 ALBANY POST RD., MONTROSE, NY 10548 | Site design: Presentation Multimedia